Innerlight Healthworks & School of Mindful Ways

Denise Ackert, owner

Mindfulness & Meditation Courses


Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to our present moment experience in a non-judgmental way.  As we develop mindfulness, we can more easily respond skillfully to our experiences rather than react habitually. 

Half-Day Retreat - Abiding in Loving Kindness

Saturday, March 8, 9:00am-12:30pm

SIMC House - 248 D Street, Salida

In this Half-Day Retreat, we will deepen our practice of abiding in Loving Kindness. Loving Kindness is one of our innate qualities, and we can engage in meditation practices that make this quality of the heart more accessible. The retreat includes a dharma talk, sitting and walking meditation, and a Q & A period. In the spirit of generosity, Denise offers this retreat freely. You have the opportunity to offer a donation (Dana) to support her in continuing to share these teachings.

Details and Registration

ONLINE 10-Month Connecting to Freedom Course

1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 7:00-8:30am from March 4 - Dec 16, 2025

In this year-long online course, we deepen our practice on the path of freedom, not only for ourselves, but for the benefit of all beings. We learn tools for reducing reactivity, increasing kindness, and ultimately how to reduce and end suffering and stress in our lives. The course includes (approximately) twice monthly LIVE online class, small group practices, weekly readings, reflections, and individual sessions.

Details and Registration 

4-wk Essentials of Insight Meditation Course 

No Course Scheduled at this time (stay tuned for one later in 2025) 

In this course, we explore and practice some of the core teachings of Insight Meditation that lead us from suffering to more ease and freedom. Course includes sitting, walking and heart practices to bring more mindfulness and joy into everyday life. There will also be Q & A periods and home practices. This is designed for both beginning and experienced students.

Suggested Donation: $75-105 (no one will be turned away due to inability to donate). Please reach out to Denise if needed.

If you have any questions, please contact Denise at or 307-690-5878

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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